Oftentimes, our family members are who we are (or wish we were) closest to and we can struggle the most in those sorts of relationships. We can hurt one another without meaning to or have old wounds that affect our current family relationships. Family therapy can involve all members or just a few.

Many times, family therapy includes parents and children working to get along better. Parenting, no matter the age of the child, can be challenging. Children don't always know how to tell us what is going on and typically show us with behaviors instead. Children who have been adopted, in foster care, or have compromised beginnings of life can require a different type of parenting to be successful. Using tools such as TBRI® and Theraplay, counseling can help parents better understand their child, their interactions and start responding in ways that bring about closeness and healing. 

When working with families and children together, I use play therapy techniques to engage and bring about change. Play is the language children speak. Play therapy is used to help children process difficulties in a way that makes sense for them. Different models of play therapy are chosen to best suit the developmental age of the child and the family’s needs.

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